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Real Estate Debt Investment

Unlocking real estate value

Why invest in real estate debt?

Property is a core component of the economic engine. Debt financing is an effective way to kickstart a chain of positive transformation in the sector.
Private investment in real estate debt can help regenerate the UK. This can be achieved through making use of brownfield sites, repurposing obsolete buildings, or enhancing the built environment.
In turn, more affordable beds are delivered to the housing market, and more energy-efficient stock is brought to the market more quickly.

A catalyst for real estate transformation across the UK

With a 4.3m shortage of homes in the UK, there is an ever-growing need to repurpose redundant buildings and regenerate brownfield land. 

At Octopus, we are committed to being a catalyst for real estate transformation.

Our real estate debt strategy focuses on providing flexible funding to best-in-class borrowers for transitional real estate projects.

Watch our video to see Nightingale Quarter’s incredible transformation to a thriving modern community on the site of the former Royal Infirmary Hospital.

Our approach to investing in real estate debt

As a non-bank lender, we are uniquely placed to create value. We aim to capture significant upside potential through our ability to provide flexible transitional lending to high-quality borrowers.

Maximising potential

Lending against fully depreciated properties and land to increase upside potential, while managing risk.

Short-term lending

Minimising exposure to time-related risk, enhancing predictability for investors.


We are committed to creating value for people and the environment, alongside robust returns.

Kickstarting a chain of positive transformation

Property is a critical component of our economic engine. Our real estate debt strategy aims to enhance the built environment through:


Regenerating brownfield sites, repurposing obsolete buildings and enhancing the built environment.


Delivering more high quality affordable homes to the market.

Energy efficiency

Retrofitting or bringing more energy efficient stock to market.

Meet the team

“We provide strategic financing solutions to ambitious businesses, fostering their growth with bespoke loan structures, not generic offerings. While our approach is deliberate and long-term, the satisfaction of witnessing tangible progress – buildings constructed, communities flourishing, jobs generated – is unparalleled.”

Ludo Mackenzie, Co-Head of Real Estate Debt at Octopus

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